The Web 2.0 revolution promises to be just as important a driver of productivity growth as automation was in the 19th and 20th centuries Corporate bureaucracies are on their way to extinction. A new organisational form is emerging that will break down walls and bring people together, and in doing so, capture new opportunities and develop innovative solutions. This statement – repeated often as Web 2.0 evangelists preach that corporate adoption of social media tools will trigger an e-ruption of creativity, innovation and productivity at work – was actually made just over 40 years ago by Alvin Toffler in his groundbreaking book, Future Shock. In the intervening decades, one thought leader after another has made similar predictions. Toffler’s forecasts – about how information technology would soon revolutionise knowledge management in organisation – never lived up to their hype in the 1970s or 80s. That, however, didn’t stop Jim Maxmin, CEO of Thorn EMI, from proclaiming at the end of the 1980s: “In the last decade, excellence in business meant doing one thing well. In the decade to come, you will have to do everything well, and do it everywhere. The image of the corporation as a pyramid is dead. The new corporation will be more like a hologram, with shared information making each person, each part, contain the whole.” The future has finally arrived. What’s different this time around is that a broader consensus seems to be forming. Web technology has crossed a tipping point and is now truly global and on the verge of becoming accessible to all. What’s more, companies are finally beginning to realise this: following initial foot-dragging, many are now actively embracing Web 2.0 tools. In a recent McKinsey survey, more than two-thirds of respondents admitted to using social media tools in their companies. The revolution, it seems, is finally happening. But revolutions can be as disruptive as they are empowering. To quote Tapscott from Wikinomics: “The new participation (brought about by Web 2.0 adoption) will also cause great upheaval, dislocation and danger for societies, corporations and individuals that fail to keep up with the relentless change.” Clearly, if the e-revolution is indeed happening, then executives urgently need to rethink how they structure, organise and manage their companies. Their success in doing so will determine whether their companies ride the crest of the revolution or are swept away by it. Towards the Networked EnterpriseThe broad adoption of social media tools has the potential to unleash a huge transformation in the way companies operate, resulting in a wide range of benefits including enhanced collective knowledge and greater innovation. Following are four key ways in which Web 2.0 tools are transforming organisations. Increased collaboration: In its report, McKinsey found that when companies incorporate social media across the organisation, “information is shared more readily and less hierarchically, collaboration across silos is more common, and tasks are more often tackled in a project-based fashion.” This should not come as a surprise. One of the major benefits of the networked structure is that it increases information sharing within-and-among disparate departments and divisions. A democracy of talents: Deployed across organisations, Web 2.0 software constructs open-ended platforms on which, in theory, everyone is equal. Employees working in such a setting are much more likely to openly share ideas and information exclusively for the benefit of the organisation as a whole – something that is rare in hierarchical organisations. A culture of trust: With the rise of Web 2.0-enabled corporations, workers at all levels of the organisation have a much greater say in the day-to-day running of the company, while also enjoying the benefits of a culture of transparency. This, in turn, engenders stronger feelings of loyalty and trust amongst employees. Sadly, many companies still seem to have an instinctive fear of social media in the workplace. In a 2011 study by Robert Half Technology, more than one out of three CIOs surveyed said that their firms did not allow employees to use social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Some employees are even getting sacked when caught logging onto social networking sites at work. Such blind resistance to social media adoption – while understandable – is not only counterproductive, but also highly risky. For more articles, Click on IIPM ArticleSource : IIPM Editorial, 2013 An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri ( Renowned Management Guru and Economist). For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned Links 2012 : DNA National B-School Survey 2012 Ranked 1st in International Exposure (ahead of all the IIMs) Ranked 6th Overall Zee Business Best B-School Survey 2012 Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri’s Session at IMA Indore IIPM IN FINANCIAL TIMES, UK. FEATURE OF THE WEEK IIPM strong hold on Placement : 10000 Students Placed in last 5 year IIPM’s Management Consulting Arm-Planman Consulting Professor Arindam Chaudhuri – A Man For The Society…. IIPM: Indian Institute of Planning and Management IIPM makes business education truly global Management Guru Arindam Chaudhuri Rajita Chaudhuri-The New Age Woman IIPM B-School Facebook Page IIPM Global Exposure IIPM Best B School India IIPM B-School Detail IIPM Links IIPM : The B-School with a Human Face IIPM – FLP (Flexi Learning Program)IIPM : The B-School with a Human FaceIIPM makes business education truly globalIIPM B-School Facebook Page IIPM Global ExposurePlanman Technologies IIPM B-School Detail IIPM: Selection Process IIPM: Research and Publications IIPM MBA Institute India IIPM Contact Info IIPM History IIPM Think Tank IIPM Infrastructure IIPM Info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monojit Lahiri investigates some thing that is grabbing public attention – the curious case of... Vagina Whitener For some time now, concerned consumers and ad-watchers have been getting increasingly worried about the frat crossing boundaries and hitting erogenous zones where even angels (should, but no longer?) fear to tread! Holding up the Lux Cozy and Amul Macho ads as earlier examples apart from the tons of sexist deodorant ads and of course the scores of whitening creams, they continue to remain anxious, often protesting vehemently against the way the Persuasion Industry is trying to seduce the impressionable, unguarded and aspirational sections of our mahaan Bharat into promising them a more fulfilling, confident and rewarding life if they embrace the products advertised. In its effort to keep pace with India’s ever changing profile and fashionable definition of an ancient civilisation, which is also a young and modern nation, are the ad guys getting a bit too carried away and overdoing it by adventurously crossing the Lakshman Rekha and touching areas best left untouched? Or are we, due to traditional conditioning, being a little too touchy and forgetting that this is year 2012, and the blitz and exposure of new-age media to a techno-savvy youngistan renders this a non-issue? A new TVC along the skin-lightening-product segment for a product called Clean & Dry Intimate Wash even promises Indian women protection, freshness (and most importantly) fairness “down there”! The commercial shows a young couple relaxing in their house. The man is shown reading a newspaper while the attractive wife – or whoever! – pouts, unhappy at being ignored. Reason? Her dark-coloured privates! Providence steps in, in the form of Clean & Dry Intimate Wash, ostensibly whitening the parts that seemed to have earlier cast a shadow over the guy’s inner view of the young lady and bingo, suddenly aal izz well! Pout disappears, break-up averted, newspaper flung aside to (undoubtedly) explore and enjoy some real whitening-strikes moments! There’re too many questions that hit one when such an advertising hits the ceiling. Where do we stand on such in-the-face ads? Isn’t there an LoC that the product’s positioning is crossing? But then, how is such a product expected to be launched or marketed? One possibly cannot expect a simple word-of-mouth campaign, can one? And if the product is legal, then why have any hassles on the marketing of such a product? Are we going through the same wave of astonishment that one saw years ago when condoms were marketed in a savvy manner by Kamasutra as opposed to the politically correct yet moribund manner in which Nirodh was advertised? When invited to comment, political journalist Mahua Chatterjee admits she’s tempted “to laugh hysterically so that she may not weep!” She soon gets serious and unleashes a series of posers. “Who are these guys creating these ads or manufacturing these products? Clearly a lot of us are totally disconnected from their radar! Is this their professional version of marketing which decrees: find a gap and fill it? In their drive to sell a product, is nothing sacred, safe or out of bounds? In the crazed rush to grab eyeballs, is titillation of any kind permissible? What about social responsibility, good taste, style & class?” questions Mahua. Then, tongue-in-cheek, the journo enquires why despite a zillion face-whitening products for men “nothing like Intimate Wash has been dedicated to their, er, penile space?” Actress Moon Moon Sen, after a hearty laugh, offers discrete perspectives. “Sometimes, some ads – even if uncomfortable – are necessary. We live in a society where women (mothers & daughters) don’t always know about a lot of stuff, and doctors or professionals who do, hesitate to communicate these facts, due to mental conditioning, rendering them taboo. Unfortunately, many of these are necessary for a woman’s well-being. However, a vaginal whitening cream doesn’t remotely come in that category and does strain the imagination! A douche or cream for infection is understandable but...” For more articles, Click on IIPM ArticleSource : IIPM Editorial, 2013 An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri ( Renowned Management Guru and Economist). For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned Links 2012 : DNA National B-School Survey 2012 Ranked 1st in International Exposure (ahead of all the IIMs) Ranked 6th Overall Zee Business Best B-School Survey 2012 Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri’s Session at IMA Indore IIPM IN FINANCIAL TIMES, UK. FEATURE OF THE WEEK IIPM strong hold on Placement : 10000 Students Placed in last 5 year IIPM’s Management Consulting Arm-Planman Consulting Professor Arindam Chaudhuri – A Man For The Society…. IIPM: Indian Institute of Planning and Management IIPM makes business education truly global Management Guru Arindam Chaudhuri Rajita Chaudhuri-The New Age Woman IIPM B-School Facebook Page IIPM Global Exposure IIPM Best B School India IIPM B-School Detail IIPM Links IIPM : The B-School with a Human Face IIPM – FLP (Flexi Learning Program)IIPM : The B-School with a Human FaceIIPM makes business education truly globalIIPM B-School Facebook Page IIPM Global ExposurePlanman Technologies IIPM B-School Detail IIPM: Selection Process IIPM: Research and Publications IIPM MBA Institute India IIPM Contact Info IIPM History IIPM Think Tank IIPM Infrastructure IIPM Info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some international campaigns succeed in creating momentously historic landmarks in the global advertising playfield. 4Ps B&M brings to you a review of one such stellar campaign that was active during the month ending May 15, 2012.
When stings are good...
Advertiser: Mercedes-BenzAd Title: The SL StingCategory: Wysiwyg/Razorfish, Madrid, Spain4Ps B&M Take: Advertisers keep talking about the amount of clutter in the market. But it’s only when one sees even premium brands taking the pain to come up with truly unique campaigns does one realise the amount of clutter that really does exist. After their most innovative campaign last season (where they covered up their vehicles with LEDs, rendering the cars invisible – highlighting the zero emission technology), Mercedes-Benz this time had to launch the 6th edition of its legendary SL sports car in Spain. The German automobile major got in touch with Wysiwyg/Razorfish (a Madrid based advertising agency) for the assignment. The brief was simple – “We’re launching the new SL. Only 200 units will be available. We want brand lovers to live the experience of driving it.” Given the undisputed position of the brand in the automobile segment, it was a challenging task to conceptualise a breakthrough campaign without diluting brand equity. However, Creative Director Daniel Molinillo came up with a simple yet powerful idea – The SL Sting. The agency fitted three of their new launch cars with hidden cameras, picked three real people and switched their original cars in the garages with the brand new SLs. The cameras recorded the expressions of these three lucky drivers and they experienced the joy of driving a Mercedes first hand. In other words, this most exclusive sports car was launched in their garages and from thereon, it went viral. The ambient campaign reinforced Mercedes-Benz’s brand positioning in Spain beyond words. While Mercedes became the #1 trending topic on Twitter in Spain, its Facebook page recorded a 20% growth in fans within 20 days and the campaign reported seven million impressions through blogs, mentions and social media globally. Earlier, the objective of an ambient campaign was to engage with consumers at the ground level. But what is interesting to note is that almost all such campaigns are now executed considering the impact they’re going to make through social media. Now, why weren’t we living in Spain and why can’t we also get takeaway SLs? Damn you destiny :-) For more articles, Click on IIPM ArticleSource : IIPM Editorial, 2012 An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri ( Renowned Management Guru and Economist). For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned IIPM articles. IIPM ranked No 1 B-School in India : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs IIPM: Management Education India Prof. Rajita Chaudhuri's Website IIPM in sync with the best of the business world....... Arindam Chaudhuri on Internet..... Arindam Chaudhuri: We need Hazare's leadership Professor Arindam Chaudhuri - A Man For The Society.... IIPM: Indian Institute of Planning and Management Planman Technologies IIPM Contact Info IIPM History IIPM Think Tank IIPM Infrastructure IIPM Info IIPM: Selection Process IIPM: Research and Publications IIPM MBA Institute India IIPM Best B School India--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are Ads, and then there are those 10 that have personified the concept of how branding can be made to work for the product most efficiently and effectively. From creativity to brand recall, from concept to execution, these 10 advertisements have gotten our attention; thanks to the commitment of the teams that created them. We present you with our review of the top three Ads. When in doubt, play dead!
Advertiser: Idea CellularBaseline: Deadly Idea Sirjee. 3GAgency: Lowe Lintas4Ps B&M Take: In all honesty, the ‘What an idea Sirjee’ campaign was starting to bore. But this fresh spurt of creativity from Lowe Lintas revitalizes and reinvigorates the concept again. The latest series of TVCs are crafted in heaven (no pun intended) complete with the clouds, violins, fairies and an immaculately turned out Abhishek Bachchan in white. The tweak to the creative theme – of being in heaven – is to complement various ‘’heavenly’’ apps that the Idea 3G smartphone comes pre-loaded with. There’s a lie-detector, face-scanner, mosquito-repellent, Idea TV, Karaoke, and a host of other ‘heavenly’ apps that one can supposedly tune into. Not being an Idea subscriber, one wouldn’t know how good or bad the apps are, but the ads certainly fan the curiosity element. And then there is the execution. So there’s Bachchan Jr. helping ‘departed souls’ identify newcomers into heaven (with a face scan no less); catching plumbers who claim they died doing heroic deeds (with a lie-detector app); enabling the ‘dead’ to not be bothered by mosquitoes and so on… very dark, but equally comic! Last year, Idea Cellular ran a campaign titled ‘No Idea. Get Idea.’ This one builds on it with the help of innovative product tinkering from the cellular company’s marketing team. The fact is that whether you hate the ad or love it, there’s no chance (in heaven, if you may) that you won’t recall the Idea brand when you see Abhishek Bachchan mouthing, “No Idea, get...” And that’s where this rocks! Befriending em’ diamonds
Advertiser: TanishqBaseline: Now diamonds are a man’s best friend tooAgency: Lowe Lintas 4Ps B&M Take: Being a woman isn’t easy. There are just too many stereotypes one has to deal with – especially in the ad world. That being said, for all its stereotyping of women (of their penchant for jewellery and their dependence on their men to provide for them) this ad still wows for the simply fantastic story it tells for the brand in question. Let’s face it. Buying diamonds has traditionally been perceived as a high-income purchase. But the ad hopes to demolish that as a myth. The ad opens in a luxurious Tanishq showroom with two men (obviously the husbands) worrying about how their bank accounts are going to receive a major setback once their respective wives (who are busy checking out the latest designs on display) finish with their shopping. The husbands discuss canceling vacations, selling their mobiles or even taking extra tuition to pay off for the money lost. But when the final bills are presented to the worried hubbies, they are genuinely taken aback at the low price tags. The message is clear: ‘Now Diamonds are a man’s best friend too’. The communication informs how Tanishq caters not only to the well-heeled but also the aspirational middle class looking for affordable branded jewellery. The message was crucial to kill popular perception that walking into an upmarket branded jewellery showroom such as Tanishq would burn a hole in their pockets. And delivered superbly at that. For more articles, Click on IIPM ArticleSource : IIPM Editorial, 2012 An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri ( Renowned Management Guru and Economist). For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned IIPM articles. IIPM ranked No 1 B-School in India : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs IIPM: Management Education India Prof. Rajita Chaudhuri's Website IIPM in sync with the best of the business world....... Arindam Chaudhuri on Internet..... Arindam Chaudhuri: We need Hazare's leadership Professor Arindam Chaudhuri - A Man For The Society.... IIPM: Indian Institute of Planning and Management Planman Technologies IIPM Contact Info IIPM History IIPM Think Tank IIPM Infrastructure IIPM Info IIPM: Selection Process IIPM: Research and Publications IIPM MBA Institute India IIPM Best B School India--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In a Cluttered Market, where Real Estate Buyers have to be Drawn into a Purchase, Riding The Social Media bus is Extremely Important. Coming up with a solid action plan can become challenging when you have to evaluate what works, what doesn’t, and what to maximise to get the best results in the real estate business. Creating a powerful, consistent brand presence allows you to step out from the ordinary and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Brands are under increasing pressure to perform. Yes. Tougher demand for greater returns on marketing spend, structural changes in the marketplace, tougher regulatory constraints and increasing count of competitive brands also force companies to build the right positioning. In today’s cluttered real estate marketing environment, consumers are trained to tune-out messages that don’t seem to address their real and unfulfilled wants. In other words, if your message doesn’t clearly deliver a solution to exactly what your prospect is looking for – if it doesn’t slot into an open position in your prospect’s mind – then your efforts and money and time will go down the drain. Real estate companies have realised that the best positioning strategy to communicate to break the cluttered real estate market is to touch down on the selling propositions that your projects possess, keeping in mind the overall brand image. Supreme focus should be on developing a communication plan that develops & reinstalls trust & faith of the consumer in our brand. “Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect” – keeping this thought in mind, it is very important to understand how you want your brand to be positioned. All companies need to have a strong corporate positioning strategy besides various product positioning strategies. Social media marketing is the new way to promote a brand. With all the social media available, it has became a lot easier to advertise/promote your brand. Using social media for business-to-business marketing can be integral to promoting the brand and forging industry contacts. Research also reinforces the value of PR. PR is a vital component for building brand value, maintaining brand vitality, and establishing brand credibility. Most of the companies establish a strong bond with their customers through branding. Each company creates a brand identity that connects it with its target audience through a shared ideology or system of beliefs. And for the brands to have longevity, the companies need to consistently deliver on the promises made through the brand. One has to understand the value of establishing a cohesive, consistent and unique company identity that portrays what the company has to offer. For more articles, Click on IIPM ArticleSource : IIPM Editorial, 2011. An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri ( Renowned Management Guru and Economist). For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned IIPM articles.IIPM ranked No 1 B-School in India : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs IIPM: Management Education India Prof. Rajita Chaudhuri's WebsiteIIPM in sync with the best of the business world.......Arindam Chaudhuri on Internet.....Arindam Chaudhuri: We need Hazare's leadershipProfessor Arindam Chaudhuri - A Man For The Society....IIPM: Indian Institute of Planning and ManagementPlanman Technologies--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------